Every day, news of ideas, new innovations and discoveries from the scientific world reaches researchers from different fields of biosciences. The development of such projects takes much longer than one night and requires long and consistent work and effort. After some time and success, scientists starts thinking about creating a business or transferring the technology, but usually does not know where to start and who to turn to first. In many cases, the business process starts with the creation of a genious idea and a business plan.

On this page you will find relevant information related to the creation, development and financing opportunities of a startup in the biosciences sector. We encourage you to pay attention not only to fixed but also changing financing measures and international projects. All of the relevant information on thisi page is constantly updated.

How to realize the idea before launching the product to the market, we summarized it in the following diagram:

Research and innovation may be financed by the following measures:

MeasurePurposeProject durationAmount of fundingIntensity of fundingApplication deadline
InostartCreation and development of innovative enterprisesStart-up projects up to 12 months

Recruitment projects for researchers up to 24 months

Innovative business development projects up to 18 months
Development of the idea ~ 30-34k EUR.

Recruitment of researchers/scientists ~ 51k EUR.

Product development ~ 44-52k EUR.

See invitation description2023-03-31
InocheckBusiness and Science Cooperation12-24 monthsUp to 76k EUR.25-70% There are currently no published invitations
Eurostars 2Support for small and medium-sized enterprisesSee invitation descriptionUp to 300k EUR.40-100%An invitation is planned
EIT healthPromoting innovation in the health sectorSee invitation descriptionSee invitation descriptionSee invitation descriptionAnnual call
Norway GrantsPromoting the
small and medium-sized enterprises
Small projects 18 months

Major projects 36 months
Small projects: from 10k EUR, up to 200k EUR.

Major projects: from 200k EUR, up to EUR 1 million
25-80% or 35-50% by activitySee invitation description
Europe Horizon 2030See invitation descriptionSee invitation descriptionSee invitation descriptionSee invitation descriptionSee invitation description
IMISupport for new health technology innovationsSee invitation descriptionSee invitation descriptionSee invitation descriptionSee invitation description


You can find more information about business creation and development in Lithuania: MITA, Versli Lietuva, Investuok Lietuvoje, Startup Lithuania, Inovacijų agentūra