
Nordic-Baltic cooperation within bio-circular-economy   The project provides a platform for generating awareness of different bio-economy models through peer-to-peer learning and building networks across Baltic and Nordic countries.

Closing gaps: Techniques and solutions for reducing pharmaceutical residuals in the Baltic Sea region

About the project Closing gaps: Techniques and solutions for reducing pharmaceutical residuals in the Baltic Sea region. Pharmaceutical residuals from the healthcare sector and their environmental impact are key areas where technical, operative, and normative gaps between countries need to lessen. With this objective, the partners in this project will implement a multistakeholder horizontal collaboration…

Closing gaps: Techniques and solutions for reducing pharmaceutical residuals in the Baltic Sea region

About the project Closing gaps: Techniques and solutions for reducing pharmaceutical residuals in the Baltic Sea region. Pharmaceutical residuals from the healthcare sector and their environmental impact are key areas where technical, operative, and normative gaps between countries need to lessen. With this objective, the partners in this project will implement a multistakeholder horizontal collaboration…


Lietuvos biotechnologų asociacija (LBTA) buvo įkurta 2003 metais, didėjant biotechnologijos svarbai mokslo ir ūkio srityse. LBTA vienija Lietuvoje verslo įmones, kuriančias ir gaminančias biotechnologinius produktus, bei teikiančias paslaugas gyvybės mokslų sektoriuje, taip pat mokslo įstaigas, vykdančias fundamentinius bei tiriamuosius mokslinius tyrimus biotechnologijų srityje, įskaitant ir individualius tyrėjus aktyviai dalyvaujančius biotechnologijų srities moksliniuose tyrimuose. Vienas iš…