In order to actively participate in the development of Lithuanian bioindustry and bioeconomy, Lithuanian biotechnology association decided to join the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC).
BIC – is a Brussels-based European Bioindustry Consortium, which acts as a private partner in the public and private sector together with the EU’s Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). More than 240 representatives of the industry are already members of this consortium. The consortium is part of a wide range of industries starting from agriculture to forestry, chemicals and material industries.
We are glad to present the benefits of this membership to our members:
- The opportunity to contribute to the development of the EU Investment Plan.
- Participation in drawing up the annual BBI-JU work plan.
- Possibility for the first to know about new financial measures.
- International contacts establishment in the bioeconomy sector.
- Convenience in searching for new project partners.
- BIC newsletter subscription.
- Ability to share the news within the BIC network.
- Strengthening of the regional cooperation.
- Information on the new financing, loans and grants.
- Discounts for participation in the partner events.
We hope that this membership of this international organization will not only help our members to establish new partnerships in the field of bioindustry, but will also have a significant impact on the further successful development of the bioeconomy in Lithuania.