SAVE THE DATE: EFIB 2022 goes to Vilnius, Lithuania

Brussels, 24 January 2021 – EuropaBio is pleased to announce that the next edition of EFIB, Europe’s Leading Event on Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy under the title ‘Next generation economies: Industrial biotechnology for a sustainable society’, will take place 26-27 October 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The Forum will be hosted by the Lithuanian Biotechnology Association (LBTA) together…

Business law firm has joined LBTA ‘We are excited to help biotechnology science grow’

TRINITI JUREX, largest business law firm in Lithuania, has joined LBTA. TRINITI JUREX is a Baltic business law firm providing the full scope of legal advice for commercial clients. The cross-border practice groups consist of 70 lawyers in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania serving clients in 8 working languages. 40 professionals are based in Vilnius office. TRINITI JUREX can…

LBTA welcomes new members A2 Cargo – a team of logistics professionals

2 Cargo is a team of logistics professionals specialized in door-to-door transportation solutions under requirements of Good Distribution Practice (GDP). In addition to the freight service A2 Cargo also offers wide range of packaging systems, incl. temperature loggers, dry ice and liquid nitrogen. A2 Cargo uses calibrated, certified and validated equipment and together with highly…


Across the modern aquaculture and seafood industry appropriate trainings and competence building is essential to support business performance and development. This is where AquaVIP has a field for action. Presenting Master FishFarmer Class (MFFC) we focus on AquaProfi community, inviting professionals and young talents from the all South Baltic region to join this exceptional online…